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Number sense

Number sense is our understanding of numbers, how to use them flexibly and how they are affected by each operation. Children can gain and improve on their number sense through games, and experiences with numbers. 

Ten Frames

Ten frames are an excellent way for us to gain number sense and learn basic math facts. With a ten-frame we are asked to identify how many dots we see, how we see them without counting, and how many more we need to reach 10, or 20 etc. We can also identify how many there would be with one more, two more, on less etc... Click the above link to play a ten-frame game!

Friendly Numbers

Friendly numbers are numbers that are easy to work with when solving equations.  Most friendly numbers end in 0, such as 10, 80, 100, 1,000 etc... For example. 10 is friendly as 10+5=15 or 10x5=50. We can demonstrate our flexibility with numbers by then breaking them up into friendly pieces, such as knowing that 8+5 is the same as 8+2+3.

Sums of 10

The sums of 10 are any digits that you can add together to equal 10.  It is very helpful to have these memorized to support addition and subtraction. Click the link above to play a game using the sums of 10!


Subitizing is our ability to quickly judge the amount of something by just looking.  For example, when we see 3 cars parked outside, or 4 cyclist pass by, we know the totaly amount without having to count. Click the link above and find ways that you can help your child subitize!

Academic Language

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