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Partial Quotients

When solving a division problem using partial quotients, you use multiplication you know to lower the number you are dividing. For example, when solving 94/4, we know that 4 goes into 94 at least 10 times becuase 10x4=40.  There will still be 55 left. We know that 4 goes into 55, 10 more times becuase 10x4=40.. At this time, there are 15 left. 4 goes into 15 3 times, as 4x3=12.  The answer is 23 remainder 3. 

Area Model

We can solve division problems by using an area model somewhat in reverse. 



We can solve some division problems by simply thinking of the multipication equations that we know. For example if I know that 3x4=12, then I can solve 12/4 and 12/4. These fact families can be very supportive and helpful when learning how to divide. 

Long Division

Long division is the strategy that most adults were taught when they were in school!  This strategy can be very quick, once you have memorized all of the steps!

Academic Language

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