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Academic Language 



Quotient - the answer to a division equation. For example, the quotient of 20/4 is 5. Can you find the quotient of 14/7 or 18/3?


Divisior - the number you are dividing by. For example, if you had 14 candies and you are going to share them with 2 people, 2 would be your divisior becuase you are dividing the candy into 2 groups.


Dividend - the number that is being divided. For example, if you have 20 stickers and you needed to put them on 4 pages, 20 would be your dividend becuase you are going to divided up your stickers.


Remainder - the number that is left over when you are finished dividing. For example, if I had 11 candies and I divided them up equally amoungst 5 friends, each friend would get 2 pieces and I would still have one leftover. 

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